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About Me

Hi, I’m Karla Silver. I’m an entrepreneur, coach and luxury vagabond. But we’ll talk about that in a moment.

First, let’s talk about why this website is useful for you.

I’m passionate about living my best life – empowering and supporting others to do the work they want to do in order to live the life they want to live. A self-made entrepreneur, I’ve spent the past 10 years living the “new” American dream… one that doesn’t involve climbing the corporate ladder or holding out for that gold watch and retirement plan – instead, paving my own road, learning new things, living fully, and taking on new challenges each day.

Like you, I’m battling to become better and trying to put a small dent in my corner of the universe. I care about the struggle that we all face to become better leaders, better entrepreneurs, and better people — and how living our best lives can help us do that.

Here’s a quick taste of what you’ll find here…

• A great example of how lifestyle design actually works
• Proven ways to build your financial future as an entrepreneur
• Ideas for improving your life
• Internet marketing tips, life hacks and personal development tools you can take into your life today

Plus, you’ll get my food and restaurant tips from around the world and much, much more…

All of this is delivered to you through a delightful blend of scientific research, my own experiments, and easy–to–understand writing.

Sign up now and I’ll send you my chapter from my bestselling book, “Change Agents,” co-written with the great Brian Tracy.



Don and Karla Silver Have Been Named as the Official Business Opportunity Experts at SelfGrowth.com

Karla Silver is an accomplished entrepreneur, an award-winning bestselling author and a recognized expert in Lifestyle Design. Karla’s passion is helping other entrepreneurs, or would-be entrepreneurs reach their personal and financial goals, sometimes through non-traditional ways.
Karla was born on the east coast of the United States, but calls the world her home. Living a non-traditional life, Karla and her husband have, since 2008, lived all over the globe. As “luxury vagabonds,” they have lived in Spain, Lake Tahoe, Hawaii (twice), France, Acapulco, Mexico, Italy, and more recently, Palm Springs, California.
Karla is a powerhouse entrepreneur, coach, speaker and internet marketer. She has a solid background in business development, management and internet marketing, as well as direct sales. Karla’s track record of success spans
In September 2013, Karla was inducted into the National Academy of Bestselling Authors and received a prestigious Quilly award at the Golden Gala Awards in Hollywood, California.
Upcoming appearances include:
Appearance on Cubicle Monkey Revolution Tele summit – Listen Here
Appearance on Money for Lunch, Blog Talk Radio – November 2013
Spot on A&E Channel as a part of the Inside Scoop program.
Feature program on The Biography channel
Feature story in USA Today
Purely for fun, Karla dabbles in writing, art, cooking and golf.