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Inspiration Mondays – Remember When You Were a Kid

Do you remember when you were a kid and thought that you could be anything you wanted to be?

An astronaut? A Fireman? A Doctor?

I wanted to be Mary Tyler Moore, or “That Girl.” Both of my idols were young, single, happy women who lived and worked in the “big city.” So what did I do when I graduated from college?

I took my young, single self to Manhattan and began my career.

Goal achieved.

But, like so many others, I lost my ability to dream, or create a new goal for myself. Life got in the way. There were jobs to do. Errands to run. Bills to pay. It wasn’t until my life completely blew up that I was jolted awake.

What the heck was I doing? Where did I want to end up?

I wanted to be an ENTREPRENEUR. I wanted to CHANGE THE WORLD.

When I forget that I can change the world, I watch this video.


Entrepreneurs can be anyone… including YOU.
Seize the opportunity to create the job you’ve always wanted.
Help heal the economy.
Make a difference.
But, most importantly, remember when you were a kid,
When everything was within your reach…

Then say to yourself, quietly, with DETERMINATION,



The Power of Focus


It’s time… join me.




Karla Silver

Karla is an online marketing expert, coach, speaker, two-time award-winning bestselling author and has been voted into the top 50 online marketers in direct sales. Karla helps entrepreneurs build and automate their businesses online.


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