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On Writing Inspiring Copy – 12 Mind Hacks

On Writing Inspiring Copy – 12 Mind Hacks



One of the biggest challenges that any entrepreneur faces is writing great copy.

Think about it… almost everything that a marketer does requires writing:

  • Emails
  • Sales pages
  • Advertisements
  • Facebook
  • Articles
  • Blogs
  • And the list goes on and on.

How do you get to be great at copywriting? After all, an entrepreneur's income is dependent on the copy he or she writes, right?

Here's what I have done over the years to get better each day at copywriting:

  • Subscribed to great copywriter's email lists so that I can read what and how they write
  • Bought copywriting courses
  • Read books like, “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert Cialdini.
  • Write every day.

Recently I found a great infographic that can help you with writing persuasive copy.

You can download it here:

[thrive_link color='blue' link='https://karlasilver.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/12-Mind-Hacks-PDF.pdf' target='_self' size='medium' align=”]Download “12 Mind Hacks” Here[/thrive_link]

12 Mind Hacks PDF

April 1st is No Joke – Manifesto

April 1st is No Joke – Manifesto

In just a moment… I have a few special things for you,
but first I want to discuss the importance of April 1st.
APRIL 1st begins the SECOND QUARTER of 2015.
That means the year will be 25% complete…and if youApril-1
had ambitions of making $250,000 this year, you should
be closing in on $62,500.
If you set a goal of paying down $20,000 in debt, you
should be $5000 lighter by now.
AND, if you said you were going to lose 40 pounds, you
should have dropped 10 and be wearing baggy pants.
  • Are you on track with any of your goals?
  • Have you surpassed your expectations?
  • Are you even close?
The importance of how you execute the SECOND
QUARTER cannot be overstated…
To help you make up for lost time and prepare you for
working your own business online,
we've put together a very special Manifesto
on what it takes to fast track your goals and make
quantum leap gains in your overall performance.
It's called, How to Create a Big Bang and you can
download the Manifesto for free.
It's my gift to you, and I encourage you to read every
page as it contains the formula you need in order
to make 2015 the best year of your life.
[thrive_link color='purple' link='https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/projectlifestyle/Don_and_Karla_Big_Bang_Manifesto.pdf' target='_blank' size='medium' align='aligncenter']Download Here[/thrive_link]

My Passion Project

My Passion Project

I'm very, very excited to announce that I’ve been asked to help found a new movement that is going to generate a lot of positive attention for women involved in entrepreneurship.

It’s called “Women United for Change” and I’m especially excited because nothing like this has ever been done before.
“…when we invest in women and girls, we are investing in the people who invest in everyone else”
–Melinda Gates – Gates Foundtation
This project is bringing together women and men (from many different companies) across and will help to transform the lives of thousands of women worldwide.
[thrive_link color='blue' link='https://my.pciglobal.org/fundraise/team?ftid=47233′ target='_blank' size='medium' align='right']Make a Contribution[/thrive_link]


Empowering Women Is THE Key to Peace and Prosperity

The earning power of women is projected to reach $18 trillion in 2014, contributing more to the global economy than China, India and the technology boom combined.

Why Empowering Women

What’s especially notable about this trend is that women with financial resources invest their capital differently than men. Women are more likely to fund causes, lead social change initiatives and invest in education, healthcare and international aid programs.

When women are writing the checks, money flows into areas that have been previously neglected, creating much needed change and improving many lives in the process.

The economic empowerment of women is even more transformational in developing countries where the oppression of girls and women is still epidemic – taking the form of gender-based violence, maternal mortality, sex trafficking, lack of education and so on. Studies show that one of the fastest ways to affect lasing change in developing countries is to educate and financially empower the women.

As women step into greater positions of influence (in all countries) they bring compassion, collaboration and transparency into areas that have long been dominated by aggression, competition and self -interest. This kind of balance is essential to maintaining peace, effectively manage our resources, and ultimately to the survival of our planet.

Watch these video clips to educate yourself on this important topic, and be inspired (as we are) to take action and support the empowerment of women worldwide.



[thrive_megabutton mt=”Help a Woman Today” st=”Make a Contribution” color=”blue” link=”https://my.pciglobal.org/fundraise/team?ftid=47233″ target=”_blank” align=”aligncenter”]



What If?

What If?


Please watch the video, it's a short 4 minutes.

Ever been frustrated, thinking that real change just can't happen
for you?

That this Internet lifestyle everyone keeps talking about might
happen for others but won't happen for you?

What if you didn't find out?

What would happen if you kept on doing what you are doing now?

  • Would you be living the life that you want to live?
  • Would you be spending the time that you want to spend with the people you love the most?
  • Would you be able to travel to the places that you want to go?
  • Would your retirement be taken care of?

If your answer is “no” to any of those questions, then take action!

What if you reach the end of your life without living the live that you want to live?

I know you can do it.


If you are looking for more information on working with me, click here.

what if


Karla Silver Named One of 2014 Top Internet Marketers

Karla Silver Named One of 2014 Top Internet Marketers

There was a time, not long ago, when I knew NOTHING about entrepreneurship or internet marketing. However, I knew that if I mastered (or even just got to be OK) at marketing my life would change.

I studied many of the other masters.Karla Silver Top Internet Marketer 2014

Names like…

  • Frank Kern
  • Ryan Deiss
  • Mike Dillard

These men are legends. They have made millions of dollars, of course, but most importantly, they have helps hundreds of thousands of people build all kinds of businesses online.

Including myself.

I bought their products.

I learned, and most importantly, APPLIED their teachings.

Every year there's a poll where the industry nominates their “Innovators, leaders and teachers.”

AND I'M ON THE LIST THIS YEAR! I'm super grateful!

I live an amazing life. Now it's my turn to teach others what I know and see them create their own amazing lives.

Grateful! Grateful! Grateful!

Watch out 2015!!!