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Discussion – 


Discussion – 


You know… I've just had an amazing day.

I've been busy… really busy!

I'm tired too. And for those of you that follow me, you know that I'm still recouperating from a horrible cold and I still can't hear out of my left ear.

I've never had an ear infection, so it's weird not to be able to hear very well, (I can't hear at all out of my left ear) or know where sounds come from… or be disoriented.

It's hilarious to me that when Don talks to me, and I don't hear HIM! You girls know what I mean.

And… I've been really busy on the phone, which is unusual as well.

I've had a TON of conversations today,..

TWO FABULOUS new associates that have nice, juicy goals to go after.

Three great affiliates that needed clarification about what to do next.

Another affiliate that consistantly touches base with me to remain on track in her business. (success hint)

One affiliate that is reconnecting with his business. YAY! Good for you – since you know who you are. 🙂

Two affiliates that just plain called to thank me for being a bitch about attending events.

I love you all. Really. And if I push you hard, it's in love. If I say something that offends you, I say it in love. If I am short with you, it's in love.


Karla Silver

Karla is an online marketing expert, coach, speaker, two-time award-winning bestselling author and has been voted into the top 50 online marketers in direct sales. Karla helps entrepreneurs build and automate their businesses online.


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