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My Passion Project

I'm very, very excited to announce that I’ve been asked to help found a new movement that is going to generate a lot of positive attention for women involved in entrepreneurship.

It’s called “Women United for Change” and I’m especially excited because nothing like this has ever been done before.
“…when we invest in women and girls, we are investing in the people who invest in everyone else”
–Melinda Gates – Gates Foundtation
This project is bringing together women and men (from many different companies) across and will help to transform the lives of thousands of women worldwide.
[thrive_link color='blue' link='https://my.pciglobal.org/fundraise/team?ftid=47233′ target='_blank' size='medium' align='right']Make a Contribution[/thrive_link]


Empowering Women Is THE Key to Peace and Prosperity

The earning power of women is projected to reach $18 trillion in 2014, contributing more to the global economy than China, India and the technology boom combined.

Why Empowering Women

What’s especially notable about this trend is that women with financial resources invest their capital differently than men. Women are more likely to fund causes, lead social change initiatives and invest in education, healthcare and international aid programs.

When women are writing the checks, money flows into areas that have been previously neglected, creating much needed change and improving many lives in the process.

The economic empowerment of women is even more transformational in developing countries where the oppression of girls and women is still epidemic – taking the form of gender-based violence, maternal mortality, sex trafficking, lack of education and so on. Studies show that one of the fastest ways to affect lasing change in developing countries is to educate and financially empower the women.

As women step into greater positions of influence (in all countries) they bring compassion, collaboration and transparency into areas that have long been dominated by aggression, competition and self -interest. This kind of balance is essential to maintaining peace, effectively manage our resources, and ultimately to the survival of our planet.

Watch these video clips to educate yourself on this important topic, and be inspired (as we are) to take action and support the empowerment of women worldwide.



[thrive_megabutton mt=”Help a Woman Today” st=”Make a Contribution” color=”blue” link=”https://my.pciglobal.org/fundraise/team?ftid=47233″ target=”_blank” align=”aligncenter”]



Karla Silver

Karla is an online marketing expert, coach, speaker, two-time award-winning bestselling author and has been voted into the top 50 online marketers in direct sales. Karla helps entrepreneurs build and automate their businesses online.


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